The K.S.G. Educational Trust founded in the year 1997 is extending the following charitable work:
Running K.S.G. College of Arts and Science
The trust refunds the full semester fees paid by the University Rank holders and those who score distinction in their exams every year.
Every year about 50 students are being admitted under Poor Students Quota and they are given free education and free hostel accommodation and food for 3/5 years.
Free group insurance is extended to all the students every year.The Management is spendsa considerable amount for this purpose every year
Endowment prizes are constituted to give cash awards to all the meritorious students
Through learned Yoga masters free Yoga and meditation trainings are imparted to students , staff and parents
All the students avail free Internet facility round the clock
The NSS students adopt villages and the Trust extends all medical facilities free of cost on daily basis
Moreover every year the Trust is conducting General Medical camp, Eye camp and Dental camp for the villagers using the Trust fund
The Trust is operating 7 college buses to bring the students from faraway places. The Trust runs the buses free of cost.
The Gita Blood Bank run by the Trust with huge investment offers blood to the needy free of cost
Free Scholarships are also extended to the deserving poverty stricken students